Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hot Wheels Acceleracers

Hot Wheels Acceleracers Customer Review: Missing our favorite song
Our son LOVES Hot Wheels. We were very disappointed that the CD didn't include music from the first movie in the series, The World Race.
The song 'Hot' by Smashmouth is our son's favorite [...]. Plus, he knew all the words. The songs in the Acceleracers movies are not as easy for kids to follow or relate to the movie with [...].
Hot Wheels did a dis-service with the Acceleracer movies by forgetting the age of their viewers.
All that said, our son likes the songs, but doesn't ask for them anywhere near as much as we thought he would since he loves the movies so much, but he does ask for 'Hot' from the World Race.

Customer Review: hot wheels acceleracers cd
My son is 5yrs and made keen hotwheels fan. He loves this cd, sings along to the tracks. We have it pumping in the car

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